Meeting For Goals – Meeting Management Software

Weekly Sync-up Meeting Template

Weekly Sync-up meetings are a great way to connect with your team and get updates on whats happening. They are great for getting a sense of what is happening around you in the company. A Weekly sync-up also helps managers ensure they are in tune with their team. These meetings also help avoid surprises down the line by keeping managers informed. 

If carried out weekly at the same day and time, the weekly sync-up becomes a great routine that employees come prepared for. They know what questions will be asked and therefore come prepared with their answers. It is especially useful for introverts that are reluctant to speak up. Being prepared ahead of time gives them an added confidence boost.  Finally the preparation for the meeting gives everyone a sense of involvement that tends to increase participation and engagement during meetings. 

Weekly Sync-Up Meeting Template

The Importance of the Weekly Sync-up

Many managers report having weekly sync-up meetings with their team members, while some claim to have these meetings bi-weekly. We like to spend around 30 minutes in each weekly sync-up which helps cover enough ground.

Although these meetings are a great way to build rapport with your team, it’s also very important to your team’s productivity that they stay on track. Make sure your team is comfortable enough to carry on an honest conversation with you. Also ensure you ask the right questions to get to the bottom of what they are working on and what issues they are facing. It is also a great way to stay informed about the status of their goals and if they will be meeting their targets. 

Weekly Sync-up Meeting Template


Share your wins of the week

Team Status Check

What have you accomplished, what roadblocks are there

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Objectives

Review the status of your KPIs and objectives. Are you on course or off course?

How can I help?

Where can I help? Can I support your better?


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