Meeting For Goals โ€“ Meeting Management Software

1-on-1 Weekly Meeting Template

1-on-1 meetings are a great way to connect with your team and get updates on whats happening. They also show your team members that you are deeply involved in what they are working on. It also helps you see issues before they arise and cause  great problems. No matter what the purpose of the meeting is, a 1-on-1 meeting helps you ensure that everyoneโ€™s working toward a common goal. It also aligns everyone on the team with the common goal. 

The Importance of the 1-on-1 Weekly Meeting

Many managers report having weekly one-on-one check-ins with their team members, while some claim to have these meetings bi-weekly. We like to spend around 30 minutes in each one-on-one which helps cover enough ground.

Although these meetings are a great way to build rapport with your team, itโ€™s also very important to your teamโ€™s productivity that they stay on track. Make sure your team is comfortable enough to carry on an honest conversation with you. Also ensure you ask the right questions to get to the bottom of what they are working on and what issues they are facing. It is also a great way to stay informed about the status of their goals and if they will be meeting their targets. 

1-on-1 Weekly Meeting Template

Update on previous week (What was accomplished and what was not)?

Start off with a win for the week. This should be a detailed update on the previous week's accomplishments and set back.

What difficulties are you having?

This is a main discussion on issues faced and what is keeping the person back from achieving their goals and targets.

What are your deliverables this week?

What is the person looking to achieve this week. Quantifying the list of things to do with numbers & values works great.

What can I do to help?

Anything the manager can do to support or make next week's deliverables easier.

Any other issues or topics you would like to discuss?

Whats on the person's mind and anything else relevant to the discussion. Open floor.
